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Homelessness: A Response to the Marin County Grand Jury

Posted on June 14, 2018

The Marin County Grand Jury recently released a report, Homelessness in Marin: A Progress Report as a follow up to their 2015 report, Homelessness in Marin: A Call for Leadership. According to the report, our community has made significant progress in addressing homelessness. The City of San Rafael was called out as having played a central role in helping drive this change, particularly through the creation of the director of homeless planning and outreach position, as well as our investment in a Mental Health Resource Officer and our Downtown Foot Patrol. The Grand Jury cited in their findings that the City of San Rafael, the County of Marin, and our local non-profit organizations are now in many ways on the cutting-edge of providing homeless services. The staff report includes an official response to the Grand Jury, which will be considered by the City Council at their 7 p.m. meeting on Monday. The proposed response includes information relating to the City’s inclusionary housing policy, affordable housing projects, and more.

Visit our website to learn more about homelessness in Marin County.

View the full staff report on our website.

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