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Homelessness News Update – January 24, 2025

Posted on January 24, 2025

Community Concerns Regarding the City’s Camping Ordinance

The City is aware of growing concerns and misinformation being spread on social media and shared with the City directly regarding Camping Ordinance regulations related to City Parks.  

The Ordinance prohibits camping within 100 feet of playgrounds and prohibits camping at certain public properties including, but not limited to, Albert Park, Boyd Park, and the Falkirk Cultural Center. 

In recent years, these three parks have had large, unregulated encampments locate within them—impacting the public use and enjoyment of the shared public space. As a result of this, the City took the action of prohibiting camping on those properties.  

There are no encampments sited on any other City Parks at this time. 

Historically, encampments have not formed in many of our parks. This is due to the fact that individuals experiencing homelessness will tend to locate where they are in closer proximity to social service providers and non-profit partners. It is highly unlikely that individuals experiencing homelessness will choose to locate in locations which have little to no access to these services.  

However, the City understands and recognizes that the community has concerns about individuals camping in City parks. Knowing this, our parks are regularly assessed for any violations of the camping ordinance by the San Rafael Police Department, the Safe Team, homeless outreach staff, and other relevant agencies. 

The City continues to evaluate Ordinance 2040, which regulates camping on city-owned, public property.  Staff are planning to present an update to the City Council regarding this Ordinance at a public City Council Meeting later this Spring. 

For detailed information about San Rafael’s current camping ordinance, please visit the city’s website here.  

City Hires Daniel Cooperman as Community Services Division Director 

Following a highly competitive national recruitment the City is excited to announce Daniel Cooperman as the City’s new Community Services Division Director. He will oversee the newly created Community Services Division of the City Manager’s Office. Daniel joins the City of San Rafael with over 15 years of experience in the non-profit and local government sectors. With a passion for making a difference and a strong track record in public service, he is committed to addressing homelessness in the city. 

The mission of this new division is to develop and implement innovative strategies and programs that provide comprehensive support to those in need, ensuring access to vital resources, fostering community resilience, and promoting overall well-being, with a focus on equity. The Division will be dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all residents, with a special focus on disadvantaged, historically underserved, and vulnerable populations. This Division is at the forefront of addressing critical social issues, including homelessness response, and other services that uplift community members in need. The vision is for the division to grow in capacity to serve vulnerable populations, however for the foreseeable future, the focus of their work will be on homelessness response.    

daniel cooperman


Updated on the Sanctioned Camping Area at Mahon Creek Path

The City’s Sanctioned Camping Area (SCA) is at full capacity with 50 participants residing in the temporary safe sleeping site. The site’s canopy tents have been winterized as well as the heated community tent, which provides warmth during the winter months.  

Participants will be working with case managers, outreach workers, and on-site FS Global staff in a coordinated effort to be document ready for housing opportunity applications. This stage in an individual’s housing pathway is important in the interim before receiving a voucher or permanent supportive housing opportunity.  

Since moving into the SCA, three participants have successfully gained employment, demonstrating the stability and opportunities the program can help foster. Additionally, participants are thriving with improved social health, benefiting from a safe, stable place to sleep and store personal belongings. Through the supportive environment many individuals have reconnected with medical services, have improved connection with service providers, and are rebuilding practices that are important for housing stability.  

For anyone interested in donations to the Sanctioned Camping Area or with general questions, please contact the City’s Community Services Division at 

Homelessness Solutions Working Group

The City has hosted two Homelessness Solutions Working Group meetings in the three-part series, with the third meeting scheduled for March 11 at 6:00pm. The meetings have been facilitated by Lorenzo Jones, with presentation portions from City staff, followed by small group breakout sessions. The breakout sessions provide participants and City staff an opportunity to provide feedback, share challenges, ask questions, request additional data, and propose ideas for solutions.  

The feedback and responses to the City’s ongoing efforts on homelessness will be included in the San Rafael Homelessness Strategic Action Plan being developed at the end of 2025. 

The meetings have been hosted in-person at the City’s Public Safety Center, with the presentation and Q&A portions recorded on Zoom. For additional information on the Working Group and to review meeting agendas, power point slides, and Zoom recordings please visit this site: Homelessness Solutions Working Group 

Upcoming Seeds of Hope Luncheon Event

Monday, February 10th from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM at San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street 

The Seeds of Hope Luncheon unites individuals, businesses, and organizations committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those experiencing homelessness in San Rafael. Over 20 service providers offer resources like veterinary care, medical assistance, haircuts, housing support, and community benefits. Each event includes a catered lunch, recently serving hundreds of attendees. 

To learn more about Seeds of Hope or to volunteer, please contact:  

Lynn Murphy, Mental Health Liaison 

(415) 485-3489 



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