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Homelessness News Update – March 28, 2025

Posted on March 28, 2025

Sanctioned Camping Area: March Update 

The Sanctioned Camping Area (SCA) program celebrated a milestone this month as its first participant successfully secured and moved into permanent housing! Another individual has received a housing voucher and is actively searching for an apartment. Outreach, Case Management, and FS Global staff continue to support other participants, ensuring they have all necessary documentation ready to apply for housing as soon as they receive vouchers. 

The first Encampment Resolution Fund-3 (ERF-3) program-specific, housing-based case manager started this week with a caseload of 17 individuals, increasing the percentage of site participants receiving housing case management to 60%. The County of Marin’s Health and Human Services Division will present a contract for two additional case managers and one outreach worker to the Board of Supervisors on April 15. 

For any questions regarding the ERF-3 program or the Sanctioned Camping Area, please contact the City’s Community Services Division at 

Homelessness & Housing Subcommittee Meeting Recap

On Wednesday, March 5th, the City’s Homelessness & Housing Subcommittee met to receive an update from staff on the City’s Camping Ordinance 2040 

Staff discussed potential changes to the existing ordinance including possible prohibition of camping in San Rafael parks The City’s Chief Assistant City Attorney spoke to legal considerations for the potential amendments. The Committee asked staff questions and commented on the discussion item. 

For the full agenda and meeting recording please visit: March 5, 2025, Subcommittee Meeting. 

Homelessness Solutions Working Group Meeting Recap 

On Tuesday, March 11th, City staff hosted the third and final Homelessness Solutions Working Group meeting. The group received an update on the potential changes to the City’s existing Camping Ordinance 2040. The City Attorney, Rob Epstein, presented on the current ordinance and how the enforcement process works within the City and the County of Marin.  

All past Working Group meeting recordings, agendas, and presentation slides are available on the group’s main webpage here:   

Upcoming Meetings 

Monday, April 7, 2025 – City Council Meeting  

6:00pm – City Hall, City Council Chamber, 1400 Fifth Avenue 

The City Council will receive a presentation on the City’s efforts to address homelessness, an update on the Sanctioned Camping Area and the ERF3 grant. In addition, staff will present an  evaluation of the camping ordinance and propose additional prohibitions on camping in public parks.  


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