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Homelessness Update: September 13, 2024

Posted on September 13, 2024

Structure Enforcement and Debris Removal

On Tuesday, September 2nd, the City’s debris removal contractor dismantled a structure on Andersen Drive, following an order issued as a result of an administrative hearing with the City’s hearing officer. There were three noticed sites brought into compliance voluntarily by the individuals residing there. The photos below show the site before and after the removal. Staff are scheduled to come out and fix the graffiti on the wall.

before photo of structure after photo


The City’s debris contractor cleaned an area on Mahon Creek Path where a fire occurred over the previous weekend. The photos below show the site before and after the cleanup.

before photo after photo

Additionally, structures that had been built on private property near Windward Way were dismantled and removed on Wednesday, September 4th. The City had noticed the sites the week before and returned on Tuesday, September 3rd to offer temporary storage, shelter referrals, and to assist on Wednesday with the dismantling of five structures.

Menzies Parking Lot

On Wednesday, September 4th, the Superior Court denied a motion for a preliminary injunction to stop the City from enforcing the camping ordinance in the parking lot behind City Hall, known as the Menzies Lot. The City noticed the campsite and it was vacated on Monday, September 9th. Camping is prohibited within the Menzies Lot parcel as it is within 250 feet of a school.

Establishing a Sanctioned Camping Program

On September 9th, the City Manager issued an administrative order prohibiting camping on the northern section of the Mahon Creek Path to allow for the City’s contractors to begin preparing the site for the sanctioned camping area. Also on Monday, September 9th, staff noticed all individuals camping on this section of the path. Marin County Staff coordinated with community providers and outreach workers to assist individuals who are camping on the northern portion of Mahon with relocating their campsites. Outreach workers are also assisting City Staff with informing individuals about the development of the sanctioned camping area. Eligible individuals who wish to participate and currently reside in the northern section of the path will be temporarily relocating during the development phase. The administrative order will become effective September 17th.

The City’s contractors will be cleaning the northern section of the path on Tuesday, September 17th. Contractors will install fencing and security personnel will be on-site beginning September 17th as well. Site preparation work is expected to take place over two weeks. Staff are working diligently with PG&E because there is some work they need to do to bring additional power to the site.  The opening of the sanctioned camping area is currently targeted for early October.

The City Manager will be issuing a second administrative order in early October to prohibit camping on the southern portion of the Mahon Creek Path. Staff will begin noticing campsites to vacate in late September. More information about the sanctioned camping area can be found on this City webpage.

Return to Home Efforts

City Staff continue to inform individuals experiencing homelessness that if we can verify a friend or family member who will receive and house them that the City will assist by paying for their transportation to help them relocate there. Staff are continuously informing individuals about this option when posting notices and conducting outreach.

Communications Campaign – Homelessness Response

City Staff are developing a communications campaign to share the story of homelessness in San Rafael. The goal, through storytelling and social media, is to further engage and educate the community about the efforts and initiatives the City has undertaken to address homelessness. Using a variety of communication platforms, staff aim to provide a multimodal approach that highlights both challenges and progress. Staff plan to launch this campaign officially in mid-September.

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