City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Public safety and emergency services remain available 24/7.  

190 MILL STREET - HOMEWARD BOUND Emergency Shelter & Supportive Housing


Address: 190 Mill Street
Project No: GPA19-001/ZC19-001/UP19-014
Applicant: Homeward Bound 

Contact: Pat Cousens
Project Planner: Ali Giudice, Principal Planner
(415) 485-3092

homeward bound elevations

Project Description

(haz clic aqui para información en Español)

This project is a request by Homeward Bound for a General Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment, and Use Permit for the following:

  • General Plan Amendment to extend the high-density residential (HDR) land use designation of the adjacent site such that it would include this entire 190 Mill Street property.
  • A Zoning Map Amendment to extend the existing high-density residential zoning (HR1) of the adjacent site such that it would include this entire 190 Mill Street property
  • Use Permit to allow expansion of the existing emergency shelter to allow up to 60 beds
  • Separately-as a by-right project under AB2162 the project would include development of a 32-unit supportive housing project


  • On September 8, 2022, the building permit was finaled.
  • On January 28, 2021, the building permit was issued.
  • On April 6, 2020, the City Council has approved the requested general plan amendment, zoning amendment and use permit for the 60-bed homeless shelter. This approval establishes a by-right permitting process for the 32-unit supportive housing project.

Site Plans

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