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Bellam Boulevard/Vista del Mar Crosswalk

In an effort to increase the parking supply and improve pedestrian facilities in the Canal neighborhood, Public Works has identified several improvements at the Bellam Boulevard/Vista del Mar uncontrolled crossing. An uncontrolled crossing is anywhere a pedestrian can cross where a motorist must yield to their right-of-way. Increasing sight lines by eliminating parking at the crossing and adding high-visibility marked crossings and signage are the ‘basic’ treatments each crossing receives. City of San Rafael crews have made those improvements at most locations. Further improvements typically require more money for design and construction.

Project Location

Project Location

Because of the number of pedestrians using the crosswalk, the daily traffic on Bellam Boulevard east of Vista del Mar, and the need to increase the parking supply in the area, the Department of Public Works is proposing to add angled parking in place of the second westbound lane on Bellam Boulevard. Converting both sides of Bellam Boulevard between Vista del Mar and Winward Way to angled parking will result in an increase of 17 on-street parking spaces. Eliminating a lane of traffic minimizes the number of conflict points between a pedestrian and vehicle, as pedestrians will have one less lane of traffic to cross. Additionally, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) will improve driver compliance and additional street lighting will improve visibility for all when it’s dark.

Below is an example of an RRFB:

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs)

Crosswalk Improvements Plans

Bellam Boulevard/Vista del Mar


City anticipates completing these improvements late summer 2020

Contact Information

Willie Lagleva (415) 485-3496 or online at

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