Construction is complete for the IDEA grant, which provided Central San Rafael Traffic signals with upgraded signal cabinets and controllers, video detection, and communication. The average driver probably wouldn’t have noticed the upgrades, but we are hopeful that with traffic monitoring and the signal performance measures providing reports to the traffic engineering division that we will make changes to the traffic signal timing that will make everyone’s experience (vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians) that much better while they travel through the downtown area.
One success story we can already write about is working with the Police Department and using the signal performance measures to adjust signal timing on Third Street from Hetherton to Lincoln, as everyone knows how congested that area can get with the train crossing and transit center right in the middle. The Police Traffic Unit approached Traffic Engineering and had some observations about the traffic flow on Third Street in that section. We were able to make changes to the signal timings and watch via the video detection in real time. After the changes were implemented, Police was happy, so we were happy! Below is a screenshot of travel time on Third Street between Tamalpais and Shaver. As expected, travel time is greatest during the day from 9am to 8pm, when the most vehicles are out on the roads.