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June 8, 2010 Election

Measure C – City of San Rafael Special Library Services Parcel Tax

“To provide a consistent, locally -controlled funding source, augmenting current general fund allocations for the San Rafael Public Library, for expanded hours, improved facilities, equipment, materials, and services for children, teens, and adults, shall the City of San Rafael be authorized to levy an annual $49 parcel tax (slightly higher rates for multiple -unit residential parcels) for a period of seven years, with oversight by an independent citizens committee and with exemptions for senior citizens?”

At the Council meeting on February 16, 2010 the City Council adopted a resolution proposing a Special Municipal Election be held on June 8, 2010, submitting the Library parcel tax measure to the voters at that election, requesting consolidation of the City’s election with other elections occurring on that date, requesting election services from the County and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis of the measure for the voter materials. The measure would pass, and the ordinance imposing the tax would be adopted, only if approved by a two-thirds vote of the electors at the June 8 election. The tax would commence to be levied in FY2010-2011.

On March 15, 2010, the City Council accepted a impartial analysis from the City Attorney.

Election Results:

On July 6, 2010, the City Council adopted a resolution declaring canvass of returns and results of the consolidated special municipal election held on June 8, 2010. The City of San Rafael voters approved the Measure C with the required two-thirds majority vote, and adopted a new Ordinance adding Chapter 3.36 to the San Rafael Municipal Code, imposing a Special Library Services Parcel Tax.

Additional Resources:
Staff report & Resolution calling the election
Staff report accepting the City Attorney’s impartial analysis
Staff report & Resolution declaring canvass of returns

For comprehensive elections information, visit the Marin County Elections  / Registrar of Voters Department.

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