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Proposed Kaiser project at 1650 Los Gamos

Posted on March 9, 2018

parking structure

At 1650 Los Gamos, Kaiser Permanente is proposing a project with three components:

  • Amendment to the current  zoning to add medical office use as an allowable use in the PD and allow the existing 148,000‐gross square foot office building to be utilized as a medical office building
  • The construction of an up‐to 511‐space parking structure on the existing surface parking lot located to the west of 1650 Los Gamos Drive that will primarily serve the Kaiser Permanente employees working at the medical office building.
  • Continued use of the 42 existing parking spaces located adjacent to 1650 Los Gamos Drive, on the 1600 Los Gamos Drive property. Kaiser Permanente has legal access to the use of those parking spaces through an easement and is not proposing any changes to the parking spaces.

A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) has been completed and released for a 45-day public review period on March 9, 2018. The 45-day period will conclude on Monday, April 23, 2018 at 5pm. During this time, the City will accept written comments on the adequacy of the DEIR. The Planning Commission will also conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, April 24, 2018, at 7pm in the City of San Rafael City Council Chambers, to consider the adequacy of the DEIR, as well as accept any oral comments.

For questions, one can contact:
Mr. Sean Kennings, Contract Planner
(415) 533-2111 or

Comments can be submitted by mail, email or in person to:
City of San Rafael
Community Development Dept
Attn: Sean Kennings, Contract Planner
1400 5th Street, 3rd floor
City of San Rafael, CA 94901

More information on the project can be found on the project page.

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