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Marin Commission on Aging

The Marin County Commission on Aging is a 23-member federally mandated advisory council to the Marin County Board of Supervisors. The Commission works closely with the Aging and Adult Services on behalf of Marin’s older adults. Commissioners are appointed to three-year terms by either the Board of Supervisors or the 11 incorporated Cities and Towns in Marin. In addition, Marin County's Senior Assembly Member and Senior Senator, representatives of the California Senior Legislature (CSL), also serve as ex-officio members for a four-year term.

More information:

Meetings: 2nd Monday of each month from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.; There is no meeting during the month of August.
Location: Commission meetings are held at various locations throughout Marin.

  1. Eligibility Requirements
    According to the Older Americans Act, membership shall be composed of:
    (a) a majority of persons 60 years or older;
    (b) service providers;
    (c) members who reflect the geographic, racial, economic, and social complexion of the area they represent; and
    (d) at least one member who represents the interests of the disabled.

Staff Contact
Lindsay Lara, City Clerk

Municipal Code


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