Measure A Transportation Sales Tax Renewal – June 18, 2018 City Council Meeting

Posted on June 14, 2018

The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) plays a major role in funding transportation projects and programs that improve mobility, reduce congestion, and provide a transportation system with more options for those living, working, visiting and traveling in Marin County. TAM administers the expenditure plans for Measure A, the ½-cent sales tax measure passed in 2004, which generates over $25 million each year for local transportation projects, such as the City’s road resurfacing projects, the Third Street Rehabilitation Project, and more. On Monday night, the City Council will consider approving TAM’s proposed Final Transportation Sales Tax Expenditure Plan. If support for this Final Expenditure Plan is received from the jurisdictions in Marin County, TAM intends to put the 30-year sales tax measure, with the conditions outlined in the Final Expenditure Plan, on the November 2018 ballot for voter approval. For more information, visit TAM’s website.

Check out the staff report for additional information.


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