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2023-2031 San Rafael Housing Element Kickoff Meeting – November 4, 2021

Nov 4 2021

Housing Element Kick Off Meeting – Thursday, November 4th, 2021

Watch a video recording of the meeting

Download the presentation

In San Rafael people and families are struggling to live close to where they work and pay a price allowing them to cover essentials and put money away for the future. Some who have lived in the community a long time can no longer afford to and have had to leave, while others who would love to live close to their jobs instead must commute long distances to and from work. These struggles are not unique to San Rafael. All around the Bay Area seniors, young adults, families with children and all of us are grappling with how to achieve the housing our community needs so everyone can find a place to call home.

Let’s House San Rafael is a City led effort to engage with everyone interested in helping to guide San Rafael housing policies so that everyone who lives, works, or enjoys the City will be able to do so.

Please join us for a kickoff meeting to learn more about the effort and how you can participate. The San Rafael Housing Element update kickoff is a virtual meeting. The Housing Element is part of the San Rafael General Plan and describes the City’s plans to meet housing needs for current and future residents. State law requires all cities and counties in the Bay Area to update housing policies by the end of 2022. This is an opportunity to find out more about the City’s effort and State requirements, what to expect next, and how you can be a part of housing San Rafael.

The meeting will include a presentation, followed by an opportunity for attendant’s comments. There will also be time to share stories about how housing has changed your life.

November 9, 2021
  • PDF
  • 3.2MB


Micah Hinkle
Community & Economic Development Director

1400 Fifth Avenue, Top Floor
San Rafael, CA 94901
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
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