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News Release: Marin County and City of San Rafael Awarded Nearly $6 Million to Address Mahon Creek Path Encampment

Posted on April 23, 2024

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Marin County and City of San Rafael Awarded Nearly $6 Million to Address Mahon Creek Path Encampment


San Rafael, CA –Marin County and the City of San Rafael have been awarded nearly $6 million by the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) through the Encampment Resolution Fund Round 3 (ERF-3) grant program to address homelessness along and near the Mahon Creek Path. Cal ICH announced this award in a release of $192 million across 17 communities in California to assist around 3,600 individuals.

The grant of $5,999,241 over three years will be used to resolve Marin’s largest urban encampment, the Mahon Creek Area, providing interim housing and social services.  The Mahon encampment currently includes 65 individuals experiencing homelessness across three corridors: the Mahon Creek Path, Andersen Drive, and Francisco Blvd W. Under the proposed program funded by this grant, the City and Marin Health and Human Services (HHS) will partner to resolve the encampment.  HHS will oversee outreach and case management services, while the City will use approximately $4 million of these funds for interim housing solutions.  The state funding leverages $5.5 million in local resources dedicated to ending chronic homelessness and promoting health and safety in the encampment areas throughout the grant period.  All grant funds must be expended by June 30, 2027.

The expanded services and supports at Mahon Creek will build on the City’s leadership and accomplishments in the area of ending homelessness.  Among many accomplishments in recent years, the City has:

  • Facilitated housing for hundreds of previously homeless individuals through collaborative case management and affordable housing programs.
  • Launched the SAFE (Specialized Assistance for Everyone) program in April 2023 with Petaluma People Services Center, which provides mental health professionals as an alternative response to crises and reduces police and hospital interventions.
  • Supported job creation and maintained cleanliness in downtown areas through a partnership with the Downtown Streets Team. The City and County’s financial support helped those experiencing homelessness gain work experience and self-sufficiency.
  • Enhanced quality of life by offering thousands of mobile showers through a partnership with WeHope.

Mayor Kate stated: This grant proposal was developed in collaboration with the County of Marin and key stakeholders to ensure that the fund expenditure will assist people in resolving their homelessness. The grant specifics included important input from the unhoused community received during the City’s recent survey of people living on the Mahon Path. The ERF-3 funding is a significant boost to our efforts and is vital to continuing our work and moving closer to our goal of having everyone have a place to call home.

Read the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH) press release.

Contact:, (415) 485-3070

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