Northgate Town Square redevelopment project has officially received the green light from the San Rafael City Council after the approval of key land entitlements, marking a major milestone for the City’s ongoing efforts to revitalize the Northgate area. This significant development is expected to transform the former mall location into a pedestrian friendly hub with...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL On December 2, 2024 the City Council will hold public hearing to consider and possibly take an action on (1) A Resolution of the City of San Rafael City Council certifying an Environmental Impact Report, ( 2) An ordinance of the City of San...
Northgate Town Square Schedule Update: At the September 24th Study Session, staff presented a tentative public hearing schedule showing November 18th as the first City Council hearing. That date has since been updated. A hearing on the first reading of the rezoning Ordinance and all other entitlements is now planned to be held on December 2nd...
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE SAN RAFAEL PLANNING COMMISSION On October 29, 2024, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider and make a recommendation to the City Council about [1] whether to adopt the Final Environmental Impact Report for the comprehensive redevelopment of the existing Northgate Mall at 5800 Northgate...
Northgate Town Square Environmental Impact Report Update Final Environmental Impact Report is available today! The Northgate Final Environmental Impact Report was released today, October 18, 2024. It can be found here. Background: The Final EIR document has been prepared to respond to comments received on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the...
Since the last incompleteness determination was made, the applicant submitted additional information to staff and withdrew their request for a density bonus. At that point, staff was able to determine that the project is now complete pursuant to the Permit Streamlining Act and the applicant withdrew their appeal of the staff determination that the project...
On September 24, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. the Planning Commission will hold a study session to discuss the comprehensive redevelopment of the existing Northgate Mall at 5800 Northgate Drive into a new, phased mixed-use development with approximately 217,520 square feet of commercial uses and 1,422 residential units on the 44.76-acre site. No decision will be...
Merlone Geier, owner and developer of Northgate Mall, is welcoming the community to review the redevelopment plan. This is a great opportunity to meet the development team and ask questions about the project. Representatives from the City will also be in attendance. Details can be found below. Date: Monday, August 26, 2024 Time: 6-8pm Location:...
The Dominican Residential Project was resubmitted to the City of San Rafael on July 25, 2024. The project is currently under review by city staff. Please check the Project Page for more information on the Development Application Submittal Materials.
Important Updates for the Northgate Town Square Project! Dear San Rafael Community, On June 4th, Merlone Geier Partners (MGP), owner and developer of Northgate Mall, submitted revised plans for the Northgate Town Square Project to the City. Several revisions respond to the comments and feedback from San Rafael’s Design Review Board and community over the...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 9, 2024 The ADU Center expands to Marin County San Rafael, CA – The ADU Center, formerly The Napa Sonoma ADU Center, is a leader in growing Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in the North Bay since 2020 and is thrilled to announce its...
The Dominican Residential Project was resubmitted to the City of San Rafael on March 29, 2024. The project is currently under review by city staff. Please check the Project Page for more information on the Development Application Submittal Materials.
For immediate release: Merlone Geier, the owner of the Northgate Mall in Terra Linda, recently submitted a preliminary application under SB 330 proposing an alternative concept for the Northgate project. SB 330, also known as the Housing Crisis Act of 2019, allows developers to streamline the approval of housing development project applications. SB 330 constrains...
On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, the City of San Rafael’s Planning Commission met to hear public comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). City staff gave a presentation that provided an overview of the Draft EIR, some findings from the report, and the purpose of the California Environmental Quality Act. The Commission listened to...
On February 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. the Planning Commission will receive public comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the comprehensive redevelopment of the existing mall into a new, phased mixed-use, density bonus development with approximately 225,000 square feet of retail and 1,422 residential units on a 44.76 -acre site. No decision will...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: April Talley, Project Director 415-485-3050 Northgate Mall Redevelopment Draft Environmental Impact Report Released SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Jan. 5, 2024 – The City of San Rafael today released the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project, marking an important milestone in the City’s review and consideration of...
San Rafael Design Review Board Wednesday, September 6th, 2023 | 6:00 p.m. On September 6, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. the Design Review Board will conduct a public hearing for this project and seek community input as well as provide comments on the proposed architecture of the proposed residential buildings. How to Participate The public may...
San Rafael Design Review Board Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 | 6:00 p.m. On July 18, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. the Design Review Board will conduct a public hearing for this project and seek community input as well as provide comments on the overall site plan for the entire project and will include review of: pedestrian...
BID NOTIFICATION SAN RAFAEL, CA May 1, 2023– The City of San Rafael is pleased to announce the release of our Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Permit Management System Replacement. We are seeking to implement a commercially available, native cloud-based Permit Management solution that can provide broad administrative functionalities and a modern user experience...
Notice Of Funding Availability For the Acquisition/Rehabilitation or New Development of Affordable Rental or Ownership Housing NOFA ISSUED: 4/10/2023 RESPONSES DUE: 5/15/2023 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time The City of San Rafael announces the availability of one million four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000) in funding available for the construction or the preservation of permanently affordable rental...
Come Participate! Northgate Town Square Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Scoping Session San Rafael Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday January 11th, 2022 | 7:00 p.m. Participate in the meeting online (Zoom) | Watch the meeting (Youtube) About the Meeting The Northgate Town Square Project involves the redevelopment of the existing Northgate mall including approximately 225,100 sq. ft. of commercial space and up to 1,443 residential units. The purpose of this scoping...
Notice Of Funding Availability For the Acquisition/Rehabilitation or New Development of Affordable Rental or Ownership Housing NOFA ISSUED: 11/12/2021 RESPONSES DUE: 12/23/2021 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time The City of San Rafael announces the availability of two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) in funding available for the construction or the preservation of permanently affordable rental housing for...
The City of San Rafael has initiated an update of its Housing Element. This important document includes the City’s policies and programs for meeting the housing needs of all San Rafael residents, with a focus on lower income households and persons with special needs. The Housing Element includes an evaluation of local housing needs, identification of potential...
The City of San Rafael is seeking to fill two positions: Homeless Program Manager Housing Program Manager or Analyst These positions will play a vital role in addressing homelessness and housing issues in our community and forward the overall goal of the City to end chronic homelessness. The City has had great success in dramatically...
Since April 2020, City of San Rafael meetings have taken place via video conference on the Zoom platform. As an accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic, five separate methods of submitting public comment were enabled to allow members of the public various opportunities to participate in City business while this virtual format is in place. As...
View the recruitment flyer The Community Development Department is seeking a full-time Senior Planner to join the Planning team. One of the most critical positions to the City’s Planning Division, the Senior Planner oversees the Community Development Department’s Planning program. The position will be overseeing advanced plan review, developing and researching policies and making important decisions...
The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for General Plan 2040 and the Downtown San Rafael Precise Plan is now available for public review and comment. The City is providing a 62-day comment period on the document, extending from January 7 to March 9, 2021. The Planning Commission will hold a hearing on the DEIR on...
Inclusionary housing is a requirement that when a new housing development is built, that it includes some units that are considered affordable. Alternatively, the housing developer can pay a fee that goes towards creating affordable housing at another location in the City to meet this requirement. To make San Rafael a more livable and inclusive...
Should the City continue to pursue a PDA-designation and funding for a PDA planning process for Northgate and Southeast San Rafael/Canal? As part of the on-going work for San Rafael’s General Plan 2040, City staff has received requests for deeper planning efforts in the Canal neighborhood and around the Northgate Mall area. Planning efforts such as these require grant...
To continue to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Marin County Health Officer has issued a new Shelter in Place Order (“Order”) that extends the shelter in place mandate through May 31, 2020 with some modifications. Under this new Order, small construction projects may continue if Construction Safety Protocols per Appendix B-1 of the Order...