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rendering of multi-story buildings with streets and parking

Northgate Town Square

Redevelopment of Northgate Mall into Mixed Use

Project Description

On December 2, 2024, the San Rafael City Council approved the Northgate Town Square Redevelopment Project for key land entitlements.

The project proposes a comprehensive redevelopment of the existing mall into an open-air “main street experience,” surrounded by mixed-use development of retail and up to 1,422 residences. The Project proposes to reduce the existing commercial retail from 775,677 sq. ft. to 225,100 square feet and construct high-density multifamily residential buildings in the form of townhome units and apartment buildings ranging in height from two to seven stories.


Project Contact

Project Director– April Talley
(415) 485-3050

Northgate Aerial View

Project Milestones

Milestone Graphic

Project Entitlements

City Council Resolution No 15360

FINAL Conditions of Approval 12-02-2024


Planning Application and Entitlements

  • The Northgate Mall Redevelopment project proposes a comprehensive redevelopment of the existing mall into an open-air “main street experience,” surrounded by mixed-use development of retail and up to 1,422 residences. The Project proposes to reduce the existing commercial retail from 775,677 sq. ft. to 225,100 square feet and construct high-density multifamily residential buildings in the form of townhome units and apartment buildings ranging in height from two to seven stories.
  • Zoning Amendments – A Zoning Map and Zoning Text Amendment to the Planned Development (PD) Overlay Zone that outlines allowable land uses, development standards, and a development plan for the proposed project.
  • Development Agreement – A Development Agreement to set forth development terms between the applicant and the City.
  • Vesting Tentative Map – A Vesting Tentative map to divide the property into 18 parcels.
  • Use Permit – a Master Use Permit for a mix of uses and the phasing plan.
  • Environmental and Design Review Permit – An Environmental and Design Review Permit to approve the overall site plan, architecture, landscaping, building design and other site improvements for the project.
  • Master Sign Program – A Sign Program to specify the property name, logo, taglines, fonts, colors, and sign design used on all freestanding and building attached signs.
  • Density Bonus —
  • An incentive/concession/waiver to increase the height limit for project buildings across the property to 78 feet, including elevator penthouses and other projections of up to 12 feet above the 78-foot height limit. The applicant has indicated that it is making this request for an incentive/concession/waiver, in part, to enable current plans to include 100 lower-density townhomes along the southern edge of the Property. Previous plans included multi-family residential apartments of moderate height in this location. In response to City requests that the project include a buffer next to existing residential uses, the project applicant replaced apartments with townhomes to reduce heights significantly in this area.
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