Northgate Walk
1005 & 1010 Northgate Dr.
Address: 1005, 1010, 1020 and 1025 Northgate Drive
Project No.: ED16-038, UP16-018, S16-001,
LLA16-003, PTA 16-001
Applicant: Peter Stackpole, LCA Architects
590 Ygnacio Valley Rd, Suite 310
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 944-1626
Project Planner: Jeff Ballantine
(415) 485-3094

Project Description
The City received an application proposing to redevelop and subdivide two contiguous parcels, currently developed with an existing commercial building and gas station use (1005 Northgate Dr.; APN: 178-240-17) and an existing multi-room hotel building (4 Point Sheraton at 1010 Northgate Dr.; APN: 178-240-21).
The project proposes to demolish the existing commercial building and gas station and construct a new 4-story, 30-unit, residential condominium building on that portion of the site.
The project also proposes to demolish the existing hotel ‘amenities’ (restaurant, meeting rooms, etc.) building and construct two (2) new 4-story, residential condominium buildings with 48 and 58 units, respectively.
Total units proposed on both sites is 136 units; 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom units, and 30 ‘senior’ units.
Current Status
On January 25, 2022, the Planning Commission adopted a resolution allowing a reduction to the number of required affordable housing units from 28 to 14, as allowed by Ordinance 1990. The resolution also extended the expiration date of the approval to July 25, 2023. The applicant must receive building permits by July 25, 2023 or this Planning Commission approvals will expire.
History of project review
On June 23, 2021, the project entitlements were granted an automatic 18-month time extension in compliance with State of California Assembly Bill 1561, or until January 23, 2023.
On July 23, 2019 the Planning Commission conditionally approved the project.
On May 21, 2019, the Design Review Board reviewed proposed site and building design revisions to the project, and recommended approval of the project design, as revised.
On January 23, 2019, Design Review Board reviewed the proposed site and building design and provided recommendations for revisions to the design of the buildings; project amenities; and landscaping.
On October 23, 2018, the Planning Commission provided initial review and feedback on specific topic areas associated with the project, as requested by staff, including: 1) land use; 2) density; 3) scale; 4) bulk/mass; 5) subdivision layout; 6) setback easement; and 7) environmental findings. Staff sought only direction from the Commission. No action (approval or denial) was requested or taken at this hearing.
Staff Reports
All staff reports and agendas for this project can be found on the public meetings page of this website:
Project Plans
Revised Project Plans, 3/08/19
Technical/Supporting Studies
- Air Quality Impact Analysis, LSA Associates, Inc.; May 2018
- Studies/Biological Site Assessment- 1005-101 Northgate Drive Project, LSA Associates, Inc.; December 7, 2015
- Tree Survey Report- Northgate Drive Project, LSA Associates, Inc.; April 12, 2016
- Revised Tree Survey Report- Northgate Drive Project, LSA Associates, Inc.; May 5, 2016
- Geotechnical Investigation- Hillcrest Multi-Use Development- 1005/1020/1025 Northgate Drive, Miller-Pacific Engineering Group; January 27, 2016
- GHG Compliance Checklist, City of San Rafael, June 6, 2018
- Noise Impact Analysis, 1005-1010 Northgate Drive Project, LSA Associates, Inc.; March 2016
- Preliminary Hydrology Study For Northgate Walk, CSW/St2 Engineers; July 1, 2016
- Site Mitigation Plan for 1005 Northgate Drive, AEI Consultants Environmental and Engineering Services; June 17, 2016
- Environmental Site Assessment Four Points by Sheraton- 1010 Northgate Drive, AllWest Environmental, Inc; December 28, 2012
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment- 1005 Northgate Drive, Odic Environmental; August 28, 2013
- Trip Generation Memo, W-Trans, August 29, 2016
- Peer Review of 8/29/16 Trip Generation and Parking Analysis Memo for 1005/1020/1025 Northgate Drive by W-Trans; Parisi Transportation Associates; October 24, 2016
- Supplemental Trip Generation Memo for Freitas Pkwy/US 101 North ramps/Civic Center by W-Trans, December 12, 2017
- Supplemental Peer Review of 12/12/17 Trip Generation and Parking Analysis Memos for 1005/1020/1025 Northgate Drive by W-Trans; Parisi Transportation Associates; January 25, 2018
- Northgate Walk Peer Review of City's Traffic Analysis by Parisi; October 18, 2018
- Northgate Walk Traffic Analysis Memo; October 18, 2018
- Traffic Modeling Analysis Memo, City’s Traffic Engineer, September 12, 2017
- Peer Review of Traffic Modeling Analysis Memo by Parisi Transportation Associates; October 14, 2016
- Northgate Walk View Studies; LCA Architects, June 30, 2016
- Parking Analysis for the Northgate San Rafael Project, W-Trans; June 30, 2016
- Parking Analysis for the Northgate San Rafael Project, W-Trans; September 14, 2016
- Revised Parking Analysis for Northgate San Rafael Project, W-Trans, December 12, 2017
These following documents are available for review at the Planning Division offices
- Preliminary Title Report for 1005 Northgate Drive, Commonwealth Land Title Company; issued June 12, 2014
- ALTA Title Report for 1010 Northgate Dr., Stewart Title Guaranty Co., issued October 9, 2012
Public Correspondence
All public comments received from Conceptual Design Review to the July 23, 2019 Planning Commission hearing