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Oakmont Assisted Living

3773 Redwood Hwy

APN: 179-064-01
Address: 3773 Redwood Highway
Project Numbers: ED17-035 & UP17-012
Applicant: William Mabry

9240 Old Redwood Hwy Suite 200
Windsor, CA 95492

First page of plan set

Project Description

The project proposes to demolish the existing commercial building and to construct a new 35’-tall, three-story assisted living facilities, with a tower reaching a maximum height of 42’. The structure is proposed to be 83,093-sq ft. of living space and an additional 29,892 sq. ft. of underground parking. The underground parking will account for 51 of the 53 on-site parking spaces. The facility includes the following accessory uses private and formal dining rooms, a café, entertainment/activity rooms, beauty salon, library, and a courtyard.

The project proposes a total of 89 units comprised of the following:

  • 23 Assisted care dwelling units, which count towards as the units contain private sanitary facilities, sleeping facilities, and kitchens.
  • 28 Memory care units.
  • 38 Assisted care units.

Current Status

The project was approved on January 23, 2018 by the Planning Commission. A Demolition permit (B1808-151) was issued Nov 1, 2018 and then Building Permit (B1901-140) for the new senior living facility was issued 9/18/19 and the project is currently under construction.

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