City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Public safety and emergency services remain available 24/7.  

Oakmont Assisted Living

3773 Redwood Hwy

APN: 179-064-01
Address: 3773 Redwood Highway
Project Numbers: ED17-035 & UP17-012
Applicant: William Mabry

9240 Old Redwood Hwy Suite 200
Windsor, CA 95492

First page of plan set

Project Description

The project proposes to demolish the existing commercial building and to construct a new 35’-tall, three-story assisted living facilities, with a tower reaching a maximum height of 42’. The structure is proposed to be 83,093-sq ft. of living space and an additional 29,892 sq. ft. of underground parking. The underground parking will account for 51 of the 53 on-site parking spaces. The facility includes the following accessory uses private and formal dining rooms, a café, entertainment/activity rooms, beauty salon, library, and a courtyard.

The project proposes a total of 89 units comprised of the following:

  • 23 Assisted care dwelling units, which count towards as the units contain private sanitary facilities, sleeping facilities, and kitchens.
  • 28 Memory care units.
  • 38 Assisted care units.

Current Status

The project was approved on January 23, 2018 by the Planning Commission. A Demolition permit (B1808-151) was issued Nov 1, 2018 and then Building Permit (B1901-140) for the new senior living facility was issued 9/18/19 and the project is currently under construction.

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