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October 28th, 2019 Public Safety Power Shutoff Update – Re-Energization

Posted on October 28, 2019

PG&E has notified us that they have started the process of inspecting their infrastructure throughout Marin County at 6:00am this morning. While we are hopeful that power will be restored in Marin County as soon as possible, the process of inspecting power lines and fixing any damage from the wind before re-energization takes time.  In addition, PG&E has notified us of another possible Public Safety Power Shutoff, beginning sometime in the early morning hours on Tuesday, October 29th, 2019. While PG&E is working to restore power from the previous outage, some PG&E customers may remain out of power through the duration of this next potential Public Safety Power Shutoff.

The exact communities that will be impacted by the future PSPS have not been confirmed by PG&E.   If your area is  restored between events, we urge you to use the opportunity to charge any medical equipment, phones and other electronic devices and to also restock emergency kits.

If you see PG&E personnel in your neighborhood inspecting lines, please be kind to them and do not interfere with their work.  The faster they can inspect and repair lines, the earlier power can be restored.

San Rafael PSPS Hotline: (415) 485-5070

For updated information and non-emergency questions specific to San Rafael

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