Out of Town Business Licenses
Applies to businesses such as contractors and gardeners from outside city limits as well as pumpkin patch/Christmas tree lot operators without a physical office in San Rafael
Applying For a Business License
For new licenses and changes of location or ownership, we offer online registration.
Business License Tax Information
By default, we issue all out-of-town businesses a quarterly license.* Please report your gross receipt value from the start date of work or project in San Rafael to the end of the qualifying quarter. The quarterly schedule is as follows:
Quarter 1: January - March
Quarter 2: April - June
Quarter 3: July - September
Quarter 4: October - December
*Please contact us if you require multiple quarters or an annual license instead.
Renewal Reminders
As a courtesy we will email renewal reminders at the beginning of every quarter as long as your account is eligible to renew. If you do not have any upcoming work or pulling permits for the quarter in question you do not have to renew. An active license is only needed if you have work in San Rafael or pulling permits with the City's Building or Public Works Departments.