Police Advisory and Accountability Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input to improve public transparency and accountability with respect to the San Rafael Police Department and provide greater community participation in making recommendations on police department policies, practices, and procedures, including those related to community relations, hiring, and training best practices.
In addition to improving transparency and accountability, the Committee will build points of collaboration between the San Rafael Police Department and the community. Additionally, the Committee will review data and policies and facilitate authentic community engagement.
3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Please note that there are no meetings scheduled for June and December in 2024 and July and December in 2025
2025 Meeting Dates:
January 15 | June 18 |
February 19 | August 20 |
March 19 | September 17 |
April 16 | October 15 |
May 21 | November 19 |
2024 Meeting Dates:
January 17 | July 17 |
February 21 | August 21 |
March 20 | September 18 |
April 17 | October 16 |
May 22 | November 20 |
Eligibility Requirements
Committee members must be City of San Rafael residents, who have pledged to be impartial, unbiased, and objective. The membership of the Committee should be inclusive and reflective of community members of diverse backgrounds including but not limited to race, ethnicity, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic status, and various communities of interest. Committee members must be City of San Rafael residents at least 18 years old (except for one designated seat for a youth member between ages of 17-26). Members are not required to have any specialty knowledge or particular skills to be eligible.
Staff Contact
Angela Robinson Piñon, Assistant City Manager
Email: Angela.RobinsonPinon@cityofsanrafael.org