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Parks and Recreation Master Plan Steering Committee

The 15-person Steering Committee is instrumental in guiding the project team regarding engaging the community and reviewing content before releasing the Master Plan to a broader audience. The project team will meet with this group 5-7 times throughout the process. Each meeting will focus on presenting the project team’s research, exploring the City’s history of parks/recreation, and strategizing on how to engage the community during workshops most effectively.

The Steering Committee includes individuals who come from diverse backgrounds to get input and feedback from the broadest cross-section.  Throughout the process, the Steering Committee will be the project team’s primary support in spreading the word about engagement and answering questions about local knowledge and City culture.

  • One (1) Park and Recreation Commissioner
  • One (1) Pickleweed Advisory Committee Member (Non-P & R Commissioner)
  • One (1) Library Board of Trustees Member
  • One (1) Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Member
  • One (1) Age-Friendly Task Force Board Member
  • One (1) ADA Advisory Committee Member or Marin Center for Independent Living
  • Two (2) Youth Sports Organizations Board Members (1 Field Based Youth Sport & 1 Non-Field Based Youth Sport)
  • One (1) Local Non-Profit Recreation Service Provider Representative
  • One (1) Local Non-Profit Multi-Cultural Social Service Provider
  • One (1) Artworks Downtown Representative
  • One (1) Marin Conversation League Representative (Open Space)
  • One (1) SRCS District Representative
  • One (1) Marin County Parks Representative
  • One (1) Chamber of Commerce Representative

The Park and Recreation Commission, Library Board of Trustees, Pickleweed Advisory Committee, Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee and Age-Friendly Task Force representatives will be selected from their respective memberships. The other advisory groups and/or organizations will each select a representative.

Committee Roles and Expectations

To assure a successful and timely process, it is important to define the role of the Committee. Similar to other recently formed committees, staff have identified the following roles and responsibilities:

  • Be informed, collaborative and solution oriented. Be committed to attending meetings, reviewing relevant information and being prepared to balance individual and special interests for the overall good of the community.
  • Provide a forum for community discussion. Actively engage the community in a constructive dialogue about the options for future services and facilities. Be open to varied comment and viewpoints.
  • Provide input on draft products. Review and provide input on draft documents as requested by staff.
  • Keep their respective commission, committee and/or agency informed and up to date regarding Committee activity. Keeping the lines of communication open at their commission , committee or agency assures that there is collective collaboration throughout the process which helps lead to a successful conclusion.
  • Provide recommendations as requested by City staff. Providing recommendations to the City Council and/or commissions is important to assure they receive guidance prior to making decisions needed to formally adopt the Master Plan.
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