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Pedestrian Safety Improvements at Intersections – Audible Push Buttons

Posted on April 9, 2024

As part of the 3rd Street Rehabilitation and Highway Safety Improvements Program (HSIP) Projects, the City has installed audible push buttons (APB) to help improve pedestrian safety at crosswalks in Downtown San Rafael. Using the APB is the first step to crossing the street safely. They provide blind and visually impaired users audible information about the WALK and DON’T WALK signals. APB now comes with a touch-less actuation option. When activated, an audible voice will alert from the push button speakers and inform pedestrians when it is safe to cross. The volume from these speakers will adjust according to the noise level around the intersection.  During the nighttime, lower volume levels have been set. The City will continue its efforts to seek funding to install additional APBs at crosswalks throughout the City of San Rafael  

crosswalk button: Push or wave at button for (pedestrian symbol)

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