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9/7/18 – PG&E Work in San Rafael

Posted on September 7, 2018


Over the last several months PG&E has been working on a vital natural gas main that travels through the Bret Harte neighborhood and feeds most of southern Marin. After the San Bruno pipeline explosion, PG&E thoroughly evaluated gas lines throughout the state and identified this one as one needing replacing – as the system has not been updated in many years. PG&E’s construction involves excavating, removing and replacing the existing gas main down 2nd Street, Irwin, Lindaro, Andersen, Woodland and onto Dubois. PG&E’s contractor has encountered some significant challenges including instable trenches and navigating around other utilities in the area. Additionally, the work includes thorough testing of the new systems before the trenches are filled – which requires a long section of the roadway to be closed and plated. The City and PG&E are aware that this work has been disruptive to residents and commuters in San Rafael, and has taken measures to ensure the project is completed in a timely manner; PG&E’s contractor has been working 24 hours a day in some areas. It is anticipated that construction will be ongoing through the end of October. If the public has further questions or concerns about the project, the PG&E contact is Michele Williams, Gas Outreach 415.238.5349.


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