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Pickleweed Childcare Replacement Portables


Project Goals 

  • Replacement of existing preschool portables which have reached the end of their useful life. 
  • Site improvements and landscaping to align with preschool program needs and ADA compliance.   


This Project will address the existing preschool portables which have reached the end of their useful life. The new portables will include two classroom units and a multi-use portable for a variety of preschool program needs. Designed with input from preschool staff, the proposed site improvements will include a new playground, sandbox area, raised garden, and outdoor seating. The intent of the project is to revitalize the Pickleweed Preschool site with updated facilities to meet the needs of the staff and students for years to come. 


Planning/Design: $25,000

Construction: $1,300,000


Project contact 

Andrew Powell | Junior Engineer

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