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Pickleweed Park Enhancement Project Recommended for Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant

Posted on July 14, 2022

Pickleweed Park Conceptual Plan

NEWS RELEASE: Pickleweed Park Enhancement Project Recommended for Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant


July 14, 2022

Pickleweed Park Enhancement Project Recommended for Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant

The City of San Rafael’s Pickleweed Park Enhancement Project was recently selected by California State Parks as one of 16 local park projects that the State is recommending to the National Park Service for Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grants.

The Pickleweed Park Enhancement Project includes the construction of a new basketball court, playground, fitness area, shade and gazebo structure; conversion of the existing multi-use fields to synthetic turf; renovation of the bathroom facilities; and the addition of lighting, parking, security cameras, and landscaping. The LWCF grant would provide $4,240,000 in funding for the project.

This project will allow the City to add much-needed new amenities to Pickleweed Park, as well as to increase the capacity of existing amenities. Currently, the multi-use athletic fields at Pickleweed Park are closed for six months out of the year for repair and rejuvenation of the heavily-used natural turf. By converting the fields to synthetic turf, the City will be able to double the time they are available to the community.

“This project has been a huge priority for the community for many years,” said Mayor Kate Colin. “It has truly been a community-wide effort to make this project happen. We are very appreciative of receiving this important recommendation from California State Parks.”

“Pickleweed Park is such an important resource for the Canal neighborhood and this project will have a tremendous impact on the surrounding community,” said Councilmember Maika Llorens Gulati.

California State Parks received over $116 million in LWCF funding requests for the $45 million in funds that were available this grant cycle. Since 1965, the grant program has provided funding to cities, counties, eligible districts, and state agencies to create outdoor recreational resources.

With the recommendation from California State Parks, the City will now proceed with post-selection federal requirements prior to the projects being forwarded to the National Park Service for review and federal funding approval. The proposed projects are expected to receive final approval from the National Park Service in Summer/Fall 2023.

Department Contacts:
Catherine Quffa
Library & Recreation Director
(415) 485-3078

April Miller
Public Works Director
(415) 485-3409

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