The Parks & Recreation and Public Works Departments would like to thank Voces del Canal for sharing their space with us at their recent Easter Egg Hunt event last Saturday, April 1st. We were able to gather very helpful feedback regarding the community’s wants and needs for our upcoming Pickleweed Park Improvements project. City staff were joined by our design consultant, Gates + Associates, County Supervisor Dennis Rodoni, and City councilmember Maika Llorens Gulati.
City staff will be hosting one more upcoming outreach event on April 8th: an Easter Egg Hunt conducted by the Canal Youth & Family Council starting at 10AM in the Gymnasium of the Albert J. Boro Community Center.
We look forward to meeting with the community at our next event and gathering everyone’s feedback. Community input will be shared at our Park and Recreation Commission meeting on April 20th, 2023.
Further information on the project and the feedback survey can be found on our City webpage: https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/pickleweed/