San Rafael was fortunate to receive about $1M in grant funding from MTC in 2018 to upgrade our traffic signal controllers and add Miovision video detection at over 50 signalized intersections downtown so the Traffic Engineering division could have a better idea of how traffic is flowing through the area and where we might need to change offsets for better flow down Second and Third Streets, where more green is needed for a certain direction, or where we need to adjust pedestrian crossing time. When we finished getting the system installed and up and running in 2021, two other companies partnered with Miovision to provide emergency vehicle preemption over the Cloud. Our emergency vehicles are getting GPS devices that will send a message to the traffic signal to go green so that police and fire vehicles may respond to incidents more quickly. We are wrapping up testing and emergency services should be getting a lot more green lights soon! Lauren presented about this project at the Institute of Transportation Engineers Conference in Palm Springs in hopes of inspiring other jurisdictions. Many folks talked to her after to learn more of the details!