Protecting Your Home From Wildfire

Over the past few years we have all seen the devastating impact of wildfires. To help protect your family, friends, homes, businesses and community the San Rafael City Council adopted new vegetation standards as part of our Wildfire Protection Action Plan. Fire knows no boundaries and therefore vegetation standards now apply to all structures and property Citywide.
Vegetation Standards are Required by Law in San Rafael
Property owners have a year-round responsibility to maintain their vegetation in an effort to reduce wildfire risk. We are here to help you navigate the responsibilities of property owners to comply with local requirements (San Rafael Municipal Code Chapter 4.12). The San Rafael Fire Department offers year-round assessments to help property owners understand where their property might be at risk. We encourage residents to take advantage of the various resources available to help you comply and avoid any enforcement action. If you rent or lease, please review the terms of your lease and work with your property owner to achieve compliance.
If you received a pre-citation or citation notice because of a wildfire hazard, please review our FAQs and resources available to assist you in complying with our safety standards. If you have already corrected the hazard, please email us your photos.
Defensible Space and Home Hardening
Defensible space is essential to improve your home’s chance of surviving a wildfire. It’s the buffer you create between a building on your property and the grass, trees, shrubs, or any wildland area that surround it. This space is needed to slow or stop the spread of wildfire and it protects your home from catching fire – either from direct flame contact or radiant heat. Defensible space is also important for the protection of the firefighters defending your home.
Home hardening incorporates building construction and vegetation management. Appropriate building materials and related design features must be considered. Home hardening and maintaining defensible space reduce the chance of ignition from flying embers, flames, or radiant heat.
How Do I Get Started?
- Read our Frequently Asked Questions below to get started
- Contact the Fire Department for additional questions or schedule a Fire Hazard Assessment through the form at the bottom of the page.
- For additional information on home hardening, please visit FireSafe Marin’s information page on home hardening.