During the month of March, the weather turned for the worst raining constantly pushing the site to its limits forcing the team to act quickly. An additional baker tanks was brought to the site and the purchase of pumps was required to help contain the rain water on site. The pumps had to be placed inside perforated trash cans with gravel. This system allowed clean water (not mucky water) to be pumped into the baker tanks, permitting discharging into the sewer system. The Contractor required a labor on site during the day to assist with continues pumping of the rain water, allowing for rain water to store on site during the nights. Contractor reviewed and modified the existing BMP’s constantly to mitigate that no water leave the site. Currently contractor activities have slowed down due to the rain season and contaminated soils on site, once rain stops and the contaminated soils are cleared hauling of the material and grading of the basement will resume. In addition the review and processing of submittals and Request for Information (RFI’s) continue in high volume/pace.
Owner: City of San Rafael
Project/Construction Manager: Kitchell, Sacramento, CA
Architect: Mary McGrath Architects, Oakland, CA
Contractor: Alten Construction, Inc.
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