I have a brand new idea or topic that I want to share with the City Council. How do I let the City Council know?

You have a few options in this scenario. The easiest place to start is to email the City Council your idea or request. If they are interested, they will ask staff to look into the issue. You can also send a letter or call us at (415) 485-3070.

You may also attend a City Council meeting (first & third Mondays at 6 p.m. at City Hall) and present your idea during “Open Time.” Fill out a speaker card, available at the entrance to the City Council Chambers and give it to the City Clerk. “Open Time” occurs at the end of the meeting and provides members of the public an opportunity to talk about a topic that is not otherwise found on the meeting agenda. You are afforded two minutes to present your idea or issue to the City Council. The Brown Act does not allow the City Council to discuss an item not on the agenda, but if they are interested in the topic they can ask staff to follow up with you afterward.

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