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People are speeding in my neighborhood. How can I get them to slow down?

At the neighborhood and community level, outreach and education between neighbors can be helpful in increasing traffic safety, particularly in reducing speeding. Most tickets and crashes take place close to home, and many speeders live in the neighborhoods in which they are speeding. Education campaigns can include presentations to community groups, door-to-door visits, stickers and yard signs, and asking people to pledge to drive a certain speed. These programs can be effective at reducing speeds locally by normalizing slower driving.

If educational efforts don’t work, you can ask the Public Works department about traffic calming solutions. Traffic calming consists of physical design and other measures put in place on roads for the intention of slowing down or reducing motor-vehicle traffic as well as to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Traffic calming can include things like roundabouts, raised medians, changing one-way streets to two-way, diagonal parking, widening sidewalks and narrowing traffic lanes, bulb-outs, speed bumps, and surface treatments.

You can also submit a traffic complaint with the Police Department.

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