What is the next step in the process for the project?

The Conceptual Review and Pre Application process have been completed and comments from city staff, the Design Review Board and Planning Commission and the public being forwarded to the applicant. So, there is no further action on the part of the city, unless we receive a formal application. At this point, the decision to pursue the project is for Costco/Northgate Mall to make and if they do, if and how they want propose the revise the plans.

If the applicant decides to pursue the project, their next step would be to formally submit any required applications to the City for formal review. At this point, a Major Design Review Permit, Master Use Permit amendment and Sign Program amendment would be required. Submittal of formal applications would include more detailed, plans and all require technical studies.  In addition, the City will review the project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and determine if the project is exempt from CEQA or prepare an Initial Study and Negative Declaration, mitigated Declaration or Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The City’s Design Review Board and Planning Commission will hold public hearings on any formal applications filed

At this point, we will not update this site, until we receive a formal application, or indication that one will be filed.

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