City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Public safety and emergency services remain available 24/7.  

Why is the City installing a Class IV protected cycle track + sidewalk versus a Class I multi-use path all the way through?

The City has chosen to install a separate 5-6 foot wide sidewalk and 8 foot Class IV protected cycle track between Shaver Street and West Street in order to increase the useable area for the public. A Class I multi-use path along a roadway has larger buffer requirements. The City would have to install a larger retaining wall to just create the 10 foot minimum paved area. Within the same available space, the separate facilities provide a 14 to 15 foot useable paved surface for both modes (bicyclists and pedestrians), where the Class I multi-use would only provide 10 to 11.5 foot paved area. See “Class IV and Class I Comparison

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