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Archives: FAQs

When do I need a Residential Resale Report?

Residential Resale Reports are required when any residential property changes ownership. This includes Single Family Homes, Duplexes, Apartment Buildings and Townhouses/Condominiums.  There are a few exceptions, such as the first sale of a new home and the sale of mobile homes.

What does the process for a Residential Resale Report involve?

The applicant will need to apply and pay a fee. This may be done at City Hall 8:30-4:00 M-Th; 8:30-12:30 on Friday, or by filling out an online application and mailing it in with a check; or applying online if paying by credit card. Our staff will research all Building Permits, Planning files, and Code Enforcement records that … Continued

When should I obtain a Residential Resale Report?

A resale report must be requested and completed prior to the close of escrow. It is important that you obtain a resale report as early in the sale process as possible so that a completed report will be available to you in a timely manner.   This will also allow sufficient time to resolve any identified … Continued

Who must be present for the inspection? How long will it take?

A responsible adult must be present to accompany the inspector and provide access. This can be the buyer; seller; or agent for either; tenant; or any other person over the age of 18 with a legal right to be there.  The inspection usually takes 20 – 30 minutes for most properties; but please allow 45 … Continued

What sorts of things will the inspector be looking for during the inspection?

The primary purpose of the inspection is to verify that any modifications or improvements which may have been made to the structure(s) on the property are in conformance with State and local building codes and zoning ordinances, and were constructed with permits, inspected, and completed. For a checklist of the most commonly identified items, please … Continued

How much does the report cost?

Fees Single Family Dwelling:   $350.00 (Duplex Dwellings $700.00) Condominiums: $350.00 Apartments: $330.00 for the first unit; ($40.00 each additional unit) Fees can be paid for by Check or Credit Card online

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