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Archives: FAQs

What if I close or sell my business?

Please provide written notification of a business closure or sale.  Include the date the business was closed or sold and the name of the new owner, if applicable.   For your convenience, you may contact us via email at  You can close your license online.  You will need your account number and your PIN, both … Continued

What if I want to move the business/change my business address?

Always check with the City’s Planning Division to verify that the new location is zoned properly for the intended use and whether a Use Permit or another type of approval is required.  Please submit a new business license application for the new location.  If you are registered with other government agencies such as the State Board … Continued

What if a corporate officer changes?

The president, treasurer, and other officers of a corporation may be shareholders, but they are not the owners of the business for our purposes.  We consider the corporation itself the owner of the business.  Just send us a follow-up email to with updated contact information.

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