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Archives: FAQs

What can be recycled & composted?

You can find information on what should be recycled and composted in Zero Waste Marin’s Recycling, Disposal and Reuse Guide. Zero Waste Marin also helps your sort out the confusion by telling you which items belong in your green cart. Also, check out Marin Sanitary Service’s “What Goes in Your Carts?” for information on what items go in … Continued

How do I enroll my child in childcare?

San Rafael offers affordable preschool and childcare programs that enrich and nurture your children’s lives while making it easier for families to get by. Registration and enrollment is processed at each child care center. Please complete registration and pay fees before your child’s first day.

Do I need a seller’s permit?

Most businesses engaged in the sale of tangible goods require a California Seller’s Permit in addition to obtaining a business license. To apply, contact the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. California Department of Tax and Fee Administration 50 D Street, Room 230 Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (707) 890-6267

Are there any restrictions on where I do business?

Every business must abide by the City’s zoning requirements. Before signing any lease or rental agreement, please contact the City’s Planning Division to make sure your business activity is appropriate for the area’s current zoning designation and that it will not require a public hearing or special parking considerations.

Can I make installment payments on my balance due?

Yes, we typically allow people to make payments.  However, depending on the amount due and the number of installments, we may require you to sign a promissory note and to pay interest and a processing fee.  Please contact the Business Tax Division at (415) 485-3051 for details.

What about selling food?

If selling or preparing food is a part of your business, you must apply for a health permit from the County of Marin Food Program in addition to obtaining a business license. Environmental Health Services  3501 Civic Center Drive San Rafael, CA 94903  (415) 473-6907

I received a correctable citation for “no current tab” or “expired registration,” what is the process to take care of this citation?

Within 35 days from the citation issue date you should obtain your registration sticker or current registration from the Department of Motor Vehicles and submit it to the office staff at City of San Rafael Parking Services. The staff will verify the current registration (we need to physically see your vehicle), sign-off the citation and accept the … Continued

Does San Rafael regulate business signage?

Check with the City’s Planning Division Sign Requirements before using or installing any type of sign, flag, or banner, even balloons. Permanent and temporary signs require review and approval prior to issuance of permits and installations.

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