Do I have to pay on the weekends?
You are required to pay for parking in public parking lots and at the meters, Monday-Saturday, 8am-6pm (Walgreens lot, 8am-8pm). Public parking is always free on Sundays.
You are required to pay for parking in public parking lots and at the meters, Monday-Saturday, 8am-6pm (Walgreens lot, 8am-8pm). Public parking is always free on Sundays.
Parkmobile does not issue refunds for parking transactions. City of San Rafael Parking Services cannot issue refunds for Parkmobile transactions.
The Parkmobile system is PCI DSS level 1 compliant and your Parkmobile personal page is SSl 256 encrypted.
Business License Tax payments can be made online, whether it is a balance due payment or renewal. You can also pay in-person on the 3rd Floor of San Rafael City Hall.
Parkmobile does not enforce parking lots. Parkmobile does not accept or process citation appeals. Parkmobile does not issue refunds.
No. Your parking transaction is for a specific Parkmobile zone. If you move to another zone, you will have to pay again.
We are lucky to live in such a beautiful city. Get the most out of your surroundings by taking a walk around China Camp, the Civic Center Lagoon Park, Fourth Street in Downtown San Rafael or the Sleepy Hollow/Terra Linda Divide.
If you would like to register your new business, you should first check with our Planning Division to make sure your business location is zoned properly for the business you want to do. Once a location has been secured you will need to complete a Business License Application online, within 45 days of operation.
The Cal Park Tunnel bike and walking path connects Andersen Drive in San Rafael to Larkspur Landing. Check out for help planing your bike trip to the Larkspur Ferry or the Sausalito Ferry terminals. You can get additional information about biking to, and bringing your bike aboard, ferries by visiting Golden Gate Ferry website.
We don’t regulate business conduct, but you can contact the Marin County District Attorney’s Consumer Protection Unit and/or the Better Business Bureau.