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Archives: FAQs

How do I file a police report?

You can report identity theft, lost property, theft, vandalism, or vehicle burglary online. For reporting other crimes, call (415) 485-3000 or visit the police department Monday to Friday from 8 a.m.  to 5 p.m. or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 1400 Fifth Avenue (down stairs at City Hall).

How do I get a liquor license?

To sell alcoholic beverages, you’ll need a liquor license. California has four types (3 for full liquor and 1 for beer & wine only). You can find information about buying a liquor license from the California Department of Alcohol & Beverage Control (ABC). The nearest local ABC office is in Santa Rosa, and you can call them … Continued

How do I pay my parking ticket?

You may pay your parking ticket online, by mail or in-person at 1400 Fifth Avenue , San Rafael, CA 94901. For more information, visit Parking Services.

How do I get a marriage license?

Marriage licenses can be obtained from the Marin County Clerk’s Office. For information on marriage licenses, please contact the Marin County Clerk’s office at (415) 473-7215.

Do I need a permit to have an outdoor fire?

You may have an outdoor fire in an outdoor fire pit or fireplace but check for Winter Spare the Air Alerts before you burn. Residents and businesses can call 1-877-4NO-BURN (1-877-466-2876) to check theWinter Spare the Air Alert status and to report wood smoke concerns in their area. Kindling an outdoor fire is prohibited in extreme fire weather when … Continued

How do I dispose of paints and chemicals?

Residents: Residents can bring paints and chemicals to the Marin Household and Hazardous Waste Facility for free. Open Tuesday through Saturday from 8 am to 3:30 pm. Business: Businesses with very small quantities of Hazardous Waste  may be able to dispose of them at the HHW  facility for a fee.

When is the next Bulky Waste Pickup for my neighborhood?

Marin Sanitary Service will send a flier with your bill to inform you of your street’s  Curbside Pick-up Date.  You may place a limit of 14  bags or cans of extra garbage, recyclables or yard waste at the curb the night before the designated service day. The bags or can may not be larger than 32 … Continued

What do I do if my garbage was not picked up?

If your garbage wasn’t picked up you can contact Marin Sanitary Service and they will return that same or following day. Reports must be made within 48 hours of the service day. Any missed collections reported after 48 hours will be subject to a fee for collection. You can contact Marin Sanitary Service by email … Continued

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