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Archives: FAQs

How do I find out if there are any affordable housing vacancies?

You can locate affordable housing vacancies by directly contacting properties offering affordable (also known as “below market rate”) rental units. To find a list of such properties in San Rafael and Marin County, along with their contact information, please visit the page linked below. As you contact individual properties, ask about currently available rental units, the … Continued

How do I report a street light outage?

The City’s contractor, DC Electric maintains the street lights in the City of San Rafael. If your issue pertains to street lights you may fill out the form on their website.

Where is the Farmers’ Market?

We are proud to be home to the amazing Agricultural Institute of Marin; they host year-round Farmers’ Markets on Sunday’s at 3501 Civic Center Drive, and on Thursday’s at 10 Avenue of the Flags. Both Sunday and Thursday’s markets are located near the Marin County Civic Center, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The Downtown Summer San Rafael … Continued

Who comes to my house when I call 9-1-1?

If the call is about a fire or a medical emergency, firefighter paramedics are the first responders to your home when you call 9-1-1. Since fire stations are located in neighborhoods throughout the City, the firefighter paramedics can reach your home quickly. If you need to go to the hospital, we’ll get you there.  If … Continued

How do I start a business?

San Rafael is a great place to start and grow a successful business. We are the economic heart of Marin County and home to many incredible companies. From biotech to real estate, finance to auto sales, construction to education; one of our most notable restaurants grew from our farmers’ market! Our Economic Development department is here for you.

How do I register my vehicle?

Sorry, but you’re going to have to go to the DMV. To register a vehicle in California: Visit a local CA DMV office; the nearest are in Corte Madera and Novato. Present proof of ownership and a smog certificate. Provide proof of your ID and car insurance. Complete an Application for Title or Registration (Form … Continued

How do I find my bus route or schedule?

For local bus routes and schedules, check out Marin Transit’s maps and routes and the Local Bus Service Map. For regional bus service, you’ll want to view Golden Gate Transit’s schedules. To see them both in one place, try Google Maps or maybe a specialty app like Transit App.

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