Where is my nearest DMV?
The nearest DMV offices are in Corte Madera and Novato.
The nearest DMV offices are in Corte Madera and Novato.
You can get a California Driver’s License at the Department of Motor Vehicles. The nearest DMV offices are in Corte Madera and Novato.
Californians must renew their vehicles’ registration annually, as required by the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Registration fees provide funding for such things as the building and upkeep of streets and highways, the California Highway Patrol, and local county departments. You can renew online, in-person, by mail or telephone at (800) 921-1117. You must … Continued
The City of San Rafael is an amazing place to work. You can view or apply for current job openings online. Interested in receiving notifications of career opportunities? Be sure to create a personal profile to receive notifications of newly posted career opportunities!
You can find information about paying your federal income tax on the Internal Revenue Service website. Information about California State income tax can be found on the State Franchise Board website.
The city does not provide tax preparation services. Check the Tax-Aid for their locations in Marin that provide free high-quality tax return preparation for Bay Area families with incomes less than $54,000. AARP also offers free tax preparation aid to people who are 50 years and older.
You can pay your property taxes online through the County of Marin.
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Your business license tax is generally deductible, but you should consult your tax adviser about your particular circumstance.
Parking ticket appeals must be received in writing and within 35 days of getting the ticket. There’s a process for appeals, just in case we made a mistake (forgive us, we’re human).