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Archives: FAQs

What is the library parcel tax and how do I pay it?

In 2016, San Rafael voters renewed a $59/year parcel tax to fund opening hours and services for the San Rafael Public Library.  You pay this tax through your property tax bill. If you are 65 years of age or older by July 1 of the tax year and own occupy your residence in San Rafael, you can … Continued

What are zoning restrictions in the city?

You can learn about zoning regulations in Chapter 14 of the San Rafael Municipal Code. To find out the zoning of a specific property, you can look it up online. Need help understanding your zoning? Never fear! We’re here to help.

Does the library have free wifi?

Yes! Both of the public libraries have free wifi. The network is called Midas and is available 24/7. No password is required.

How do I pay my water bill?

You can pay your bill through Marin Municipal Water District’s (MMWD) online payment system. MMWD’s website has information on additional ways to pay your bill.

Do I need an encroachment permit?

Encroachment permits are required if you plan to do any construction work in the public right-of-way. Meaning, any work in the sidewalk area, in an easement, on city owned property (median islands, parks, city facilities) or in the street. Common reasons you’ll need one: Utility saw-cuts Excavation News stands Bicycle racks Sidewalk dining Debris boxes … Continued

How do I apply for affordable housing?

Each property with below market rate rental units has its own individual housing application.   Contact the property first to confirm that there are available rental units or an open waitlist before submitting the application form. Ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements for the specific property. Eligibility can be based on factors such as income, … Continued

Can I pay Marin Parking Authority tickets here?

You cannot pay Marin Parking Authority tickets with the City of San Rafael. The City of San Rafael and Marin Parking Authority are separate agencies.  The Marin Parking Authority handles all parking citations received in Marin County except San Rafael. You may call (800) 989-2058, or pay online. The Marin Parking Authority does not have a local … Continued

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