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Archives: FAQs

Where can I park Downtown?

Downtown San Rafael has a variety of public parking lots and garages, as well as the ever-popular on-street spaces for those of us who love parallel-parking. All city facilities Downtown require payment to park Monday through Saturday.  Check signs for hours and payment info.  The City of San Rafael provides free parking Downtown on Sundays … Continued

Do I need an encroachment permit if I am getting my sewer fixed?

If any part of the sewer repair work occurs under the sidewalk or the street, then the answer is yes. To submit an encroachment permit application, contact Public Works by email or call  them at (415) 485-3355. For more information on Encroachment Permits refer to San Rafael Municipal Code Section 11.04  

Who do I call about police-related non-emergencies?

The police non-emergency phone number is (415) 485-3000. Don’t like phone calls? You can also email us. Our business line is staffed by an actual person 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may call this number to report a crime, request officer assistance, or ask a question.

How are speed limits set?

The following speed limits are established by State law and do not need to be posted in order to be enforced: 25 MPH speed limit in business and residential districts 25 MPH in school zones when children are present 15 MPH speed limit in alleys; at intersections and railroad crossings where visibility is limited and … Continued

Can I park my RV / oversized vehicle on a City street?

RVs may not be parked on public streets citywide (except when a temporary permit has been issued by the Parking Services office). If you don’t have space on your property to store your RV, check out these RV storage facilities in and around Marin County. Oversized & commercial vehicles may only be parked on public … Continued

What is the sales tax in the city?

Effective 10/1/2022, the current sales tax rate in San Rafael is 9.25%.  Check out the break down:   State General Fund 3.94% County Health and Safety 1.56% City of San Rafael 1.00% San Rafael Transactions and Use Tax – 3/31/2034* 0.75% Measure R – 4/1/2021 – 3/31/2030 0.25% Marin County Measure A (Parks and Open … Continued

Where is the nearest hospital?

The two nearest hospitals with emergency rooms are: Kaiser at 99 Montecillo Road in San Rafael Marin General Hospital at 250 Bon Air Road in Greenbrae

How do I use your parking meters?

Our parking meters accept coins (except pennies) and credit cards for your convenience and ease of use. In addition, you can pay, as well as add time to your meter, with the parkmobile app.

Can I park overnight in Downtown San Rafael?

For 1-3 nights, you may park in the Downtown A Street and C Street municipal garages for a daily fee of $10. For more than 3 consecutive nights, it’s possible but we should talk.

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