Report of Residential Building Record (RBR)
To apply for your Resale Inspection online click HERE!
A Residential Resale Report is a building permit records check and physical inspection of all residential units. Most jurisdictions in Marin County require a Point of Sale inspection on residential properties. Our report will list all building permits on the report. For any permits that have expired or are not complete; they will require follow up. Additionally we will list all planning actions and construction related code enforcement cases.
The primary purpose of the inspection is to verify that any modifications or improvements which may have been made to the structure(s) on the property are in conformance with State and local building codes and zoning ordinances, and were constructed with permits.
Fees Fees can be paid for by Check or Credit Card online |
Apply for a Residential Resale Report
Once your application is received an inspector will contact you within 7-10 working days to schedule a specific day and time for your inspection. Please apply early to allow for scheduling time. Resale Reports can be applied for online with check or credit card, or if you would prefer you can also mail in an application along with a check.
Please note: If you wait to apply for your Resale Inspection the Department may not be able to accommodate escrow deadlines, Please apply for your inspection early!
You also have the option to order your report in person, Monday - Thursday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. by dropping by the 3rd floor Building Counter at City Hall; 1400 5th Avenue.
What will our Building Inspector be looking for?
The purpose of the inspection is to make sure that any new construction, modifications, or improvements which may have been made to the property are in conformance with State and local building codes and zoning ordinances, and were constructed with permits.
Permits for the following items may be obtained at the Building Division Public counter in City Hall anytime during regular business hours. If these permits are obtained and the inspection approval granted within 15 days of the issuance of this report, no enforcement action will be taken by the City. Failure to do so will result in the issuance of a Notice.
- Replacement water heater
- Replacement furnace
- Electrical: Main service upgrade
- Window replacements/exterior door replacements
The following sorts of violations typically require plans & review. Many of these types of issues can be handled through our Over-the-Counter permit process on Tuesday & Thursday mornings. More complex matters may need a Submittal Application. Contact the Building Division at 415-485-3367 for further information.
- Work done without a permit (for example):
- 2nd dwelling unit
- Accessory structure or building w/o permit
- Decks
- Garage/Basement/Attic Conversion
- Hot tub / spa installation
- Kitchen/ Bath remodel
- Retaining walls - new or replacement
- Any EXPIRED permits must be renewed and inspected
RBR Update
On August 1, 2016 the City Council held a study session to review options for the City’s residential building resale (RBR) program. The City Council decided to reconvene on the issue in about a month to solicit further input. The date will be posted here once it's scheduled. Check out the PowerPoint and summary of options from the meeting!
Additional Resources:
Residential Building Record Ordinance 1945
Residential Building Record Resolution 14243
Resale Inspection Checklist
RBR Most Common Issues
RBR Sample Report