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RV Temporary Permit Terms & Conditions

  1. The purpose of authorizing the issuance of Temporary RV Parking Permits is to give owners of Recreational Vehicles (RVs) the opportunity, for a limited time, to park the RV on a public street or highway directly in front of (or on the side of the property if it is a corner lot) their residence for purposes of loading and unloading, and to allow an Out-of-town visitor who owns a RV to park on a public street or highway directly in front of (or on the side of the property if it is a corner lot) the residence which the Out-of-town visitor is visiting for a limited time period, and to allow a RV to be used on a temporary basis for a community-serving event, or, in order to provide flexibility in administration, as deemed appropriate by the Parking Services Manager.
  2. This permit is issued to the undersigned ONLY for their sole use. The permit is non-transferable. Parking permits must be properly displayed at all times in the lower driver side of the windshield or nearest window of the RV for which it has been issued so that it is clearly visible from the exterior of the vehicle. Failure to properly display temporary permits could subject the vehicle to citation and/or towing.
  3. The City reserves the right to revoke the permit when, in the sole opinion of the City, the permit is being misused by the applicant.
  4. Storage of a RV on public streets beyond the dates listed on the permit is prohibited. Temporary exceptions may be made by obtaining authorization from the Parking Services Office at (415) 458-5333.


Residents desiring a Temporary 1-day RV Parking Permit shall file with the Parking Services Division a completed Temporary Permit application, signed under penalty of perjury, containing the following:

  1. Name, address & phone number of the registered owner of the designated RV;
  2. Proof of residency. Acceptable proof of residency must be current and must include a California Driver’s License or California Identification Card, and either a property tax bill or a public utility bill;
  3. The registration from the California DMV for the RV that shows the RV is registered in the City of San Rafael;
  4. The date for which the permit is being requested;
  5. Additional information the Parking Services Division may require.

Out-of-Town Visitors

Out-of-town visitors desiring a Temporary RV Parking Permit valid for no more than eight (8) days shall file with the Parking Services Division a completed Temporary Permit application, signed under penalty of perjury, containing the following:

  1. Name, address & phone number of the registered owner of the designated RV;
  2. Name, address & phone number of the resident that is being visited;
  3. The registration from the California DMV, or equivalent agency for another state, for the RV;
  4. The date(s) for which the permit is being requested;
  5. Additional information the Parking Services Division may require.
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