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Request for Proposal (RFP): Permit Management System Replacement

Posted on April 30, 2023


SAN RAFAEL, CA May 1, 2023– The City of San Rafael is pleased to announce the release of our Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Permit Management System Replacement. We are seeking to implement a commercially available, native cloud-based Permit Management solution that can provide broad administrative functionalities and a modern user experience for both our community stakeholders and staff.  

Download the RFP

Response to Vendor Questions

Permit Management Replacement System RFP Timeline 

Stage  Date 
RFP Released  May 1st, 2023 
Deadline for RFP Questions  May 15th, 2023 
Response to final questions posted  May 29th, 2023 
Deadline for submitting RFP proposal  June 16th, 2023 
Vendor presentations or interviews (if requested)  June 26th, 2023 (estimate) 
Vendor Selected  July 10th, 2023 (estimate) 

Submission Guidelines and Communication 

All submissions are to be submitted by email to by June 16th, 2023. The RFP process will be managed by Tessa Rudnick, Enterprise Applications Manager, Department of Digital Service and Open Government.  

All communications concerning this RFP must be directed in writing via email to the contact above. No other City employee, consultant, or contractor is empowered to speak for the City with respect to this RFP. Any oral communication is considered unofficial and non-binding to the City. After the proposal deadline, vendors should not contact the RFP Coordinator or any other City official or employee, except to respond to a request by the RFP Coordinator. 

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