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Request for Proposals Homeless Outreach Services – May 2022

Posted on May 11, 2022

The Marin County Council of Mayors and Councilmembers (MCCMC) and the Marin Managers Association (MMA) represent all the cities and towns in Marin County. Several years ago, the MCCMC created a Community Homeless Fund where cities and towns, and the County of Marin, allocate funds for certain homelessness services. This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is being released by the City of San Rafael (City) on behalf of the MCCMC and MMA.

The city is seeking qualified proposals for Homeless Outreach Services to serve individuals and families, specifically in Marin County, who are experiencing homelessness. This RFP seeks proposals for services including Outreach and Engagement, Rapid Response, Intensive Case Management, Multi-Disciplinary Team, and Mobile Shower Services.  Agencies can apply for as few as one or up to all these services in their response. The services outlined in the RFP are complimentary of each other and proposing all the services in the RFP could create a stronger application. Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate in their response how they will partner (helpful to reference any MOU’s) with other Agencies to meet the service areas requested in this RFP.

The funding for this project is made available through the MCCMC and its Community Homeless Fund. The MCCMC and the MMA, through their homelessness subcommittees, will be part of the review process and the decision to fund proposed projects. Ultimately, the individual cities and towns determine their participation in the Community Homeless Fund.

There may be one or more awards as determined by RFP submission(s). The total award amount for all required services across providers will not exceed $360,000 annually. The award period will be three years (based on successful annual outcome measures) July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2025.

The target population for outreach services are individuals experiencing homelessness who are unsheltered in Marin County (living outdoors, in vehicles, or other places not meant for human habitation). Program participants must be Marin County residents at the time of service. Individuals are not required to be clean and sober, to have completed or currently be in treatment, to be compliant with medication prescription, or to have income or employment to access outreach resources. Participants will not be screened out for lack of “motivation.” The delivery of services is to be Guided by Housing First principles. The primary objective of the program is to help unsheltered people transition to safe, secure housing as a starting place to address other issues.

Download the RFP for Homeless Outreach Services


Answers to vendor questions

If you are a vendor with a question regarding the RFP for Homeless Outreach Services, please email your query to by May 20th, 2022.

Answers to all questions submitted by the deadline can be found on our website.  Questions will be answered on a rolling basis, please check the website before submitting a question to make sure it hasn’t already been answered.


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