Roadway Clearance Projects
In order to improve evacuation routes, vegetation will be reduced along roads in priority neighborhoods throughout the City. The project has been funded by the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (Measure C).
Work will focus on roadside vegetation that is 14 feet above the road surface and up to 10 feet from road edges. Clearing vegetation and tree limbs from these areas will improve emergency responder access, reduce the amount of heat that evacuating residents might be exposed to during a fire, improve visibility, and expand usable width of roadways on narrow hillside streets.
The roadside vegetation management work being conducted under this project is work that property owners are legally required to maintain under the California Fire Code and the San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC 4.12), but have not. The Fire Chief has authorized the removal of this vegetation to reduce hazardous conditions along evacuation routes.
Before & After

If you have any questions about the City’s roadway clearance program please contact our Defensible Space Team at (415) 485-3054 or