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San Quentin Pump Station Replacement


Project goals

  • Reconstruct the aging San Quentin Pump Station to continue providing critical flood protection to the southern San Rafael area


Planning/Design $375,000
Construction $6,500,000


Located just northwest of the Target store, the San Quentin Pump Station is a critical piece of drainage infrastructure that conveys storm runoff from a 400-acre drainage area into the San Rafael Bay. After some 50 years of operation, the pump station will be demolished and a new, redesigned station will be constructed in its place. Additionally, improvements will be completed to the outfall pipe that conveys flow from the pump station to the bay.

SQ Pump Station 20220506 135939

Final design and permitting were completed in 2022. Construction is anticipated to begin early spring 2023 and is expected to take over a little over a year to complete."

Project documents

Project contact

Theo Sanchez, PE | Associate Civil Engineer

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