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San Rafael Canal Crossing Project

Project Contact

Matthew Pepin, PE
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Project goals

  • Perform a feasibility study to analyze various bicycle/pedestrian bridge options over the San Rafael Canal.
  • Present preliminary engineering considerations, conceptual plan(s), and estimated costs for construction and operation.
  • Identify potential environmental impacts.
  • Solicit feedback from community members and stakeholders.
  • Seek additional funding for future phases of the project.


The City received state-only funding through the Active Transportation Program (ATP) for this project    (click here to view the ATP Conceptual Plans)

Feasibility Study $1.575 million


The Canal Crossing project aims to provide a non-motorized bicycle and pedestrian crossing bridge between the Canal Neighborhood and destinations north of San Rafael Creek. A new crossing would provide connectivity within a highly developed active transportation network in central Marin County, including the Bay Trail and the North-South Greenway, ensuring that residents of the Canal Neighborhood and the broader community are provided with safe access to regional destinations.

This project supports the feasibility assessment of a future bridge between the Canal Neighborhood and destinations north of San Rafael Creek. The San Rafael Canal is considered a “navigable channel” and therefore the bridge must allow for boats to traverse the canal.

The feasibility study report will identify and compare potential bridge options and provide a conceptual plan, identify potential environmental impacts, present preliminary engineering considerations, and estimated costs for construction and operation of the bridge. The project team will engage with community members and stakeholders to gather feedback to incorporate into the feasibility analysis and planning process.


Request for Proposal for consultant anticipated Summer 2025
Planning/Environmental/Design Funding to be determined
Construction Funding to be determined

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