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San Rafael High School – Third Street Crosswalk project update

Posted on February 5, 2021

San Rafael High School Third Street Crosswalk

The contractor has finished work on the new Third Street-San Rafael High School Crosswalk.  With the traffic signal equipment is delayed due to Covid, the crosswalk will remain closed until March when we install the traffic signal system. During construction, one of the contractors commented that he had “never seen such a weird, staggered crosswalk before”. It was then explained to the contractor that the crosswalk was designed that way intentionally. For example, pedestrians coming from the Montecito Plaza will push the button to cross from the shopping center side to the median. Once in the median, they will walk east with their eyes towards oncoming traffic. They will push the button in the median and wait for their turn to cross the north side of the street to the High School. The same thing is true to a pedestrian traveling from the High School to Montecito Plaza. The median area is designed to accommodate the large groups of high school students as they make the mad dash over to the Montecito Plaza during their lunch break.


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